No two Healthy Campus initiatives are exactly alike, but most share a similar path to success: Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement, Track.

Adapted from Healthy People 2020, MAP-IT can be used to plan and evaluate public health interventions to achieve your Healthy Campus goals. Whether you are a seasoned professional or new to the field, using the MAP-IT framework in conjunction with the Healthy Campus Inventory will help you create your own path to a healthy campus.

Use these tools and resources as a reference. Each of the five MAP-IT sections includes a brief overview and related resources.

Mobilize – Develop a Core Structure and Identify Champions

Identify Health and Well-being Champions to engage campus leadership in the effort to embed well-being at all levels of the institution. A Champion is someone who fights for a cause or advocates for resources and/or ideas.

Utilizing the campus community (campus leadership, faculty, staff, and students) determine a definition of well-being for your campus.

Identify a systemically cultivated list of diverse campus and community partners who are actively engaged in well-being work.

Create a Core Structure consisting of the:

  • senior leadership support
  • independently funded staff solely dedicated to promoting the Healthy Campus initiative effort
  • diverse groups of faculty, staff, and students



Assess – Population Level Data and Community Assets

The Core Structure identifies, gathers, and examines population level health data for student, faculty, and staff.

Campus and community-based assets are systemically collected.

Specific data-derived priorities are clearly identified for a set of priority well-being issues.



Plan – Identify Tasks, Goals, Strategies

The Core Structure meets regularly to address identified well-being priority issues. Their tasks include the following:

  • Develop the data-derived priorities, set while assessing campus, into measurable goals for the institution (needs worksheet).
  • Establish a Common Agenda with measurable strategies and objectives for the identified well-being priorities
  • Ensuring campus well-being initiatives are steeped in cultural humility.



Implement – Institutional Well-Being Initiatives

Core Structure members effectively collaborate to mobilize and strategically deploy resources to achieve the identified well-being priorities and goals.

Senior leadership actively talks about one or more objectives from the Common Agenda in their communications to the campus community.

Well-being is embedded in the university’s strategic plan, division, and departmental mission statements and/or vision documents.

The campus community collaborates with the wider community on issues of well-being.

The institution develops policies that promote well-being for the campus community.

The campus considers the well-being when planning the campus’ built environment.

Communicate your Core Structure’s incremental progress.


  • Worksheet 8: Communication Plan
    Keep your Setting Targets Worksheet (worksheet 7, above) in mind as you implement initiatives.

Track – Progress and Communication Toward Goals

Use data sets to track progress towards goals from the Common Agenda.

Track evidence of successes/wins regarding two or more objectives derived from the Common Agenda.

Evaluate to ensure that well-being initiatives address the identified needs of student sub-populations.

Measure both behavior change and positive changes in campus perception of well-being by campus community members collected through qualitative and quantitative measures.

Longitudinally track efforts toward well-being culture.



MAP-IT Framework Source:


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