Board Policies and Procedures
In accordance with the ACHA Bylaws ,The Board of Directors is the chief operating body of the association. As such, the Board develops procedures to implement the policies of ACHA. The following Board Policies and Procedures have been established by the Board of Directors pursuant to that responsibility. These documents set forth the policies and procedural steps necessary (beyond those provided via the Bylaws) to operate the Association. They may be amended from time to time, or rescinded by the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee (which is authorized in the Bylaws to conduct Association business on behalf of the Board of Directors). Likewise, the Board of Directors may, from time to time, establish/create new policies and procedures to further address the evolving operating requirements of ACHA.
- BOD P_P_1986-1: National Elections [pdf] (updated May 2024)
- BOD P/P 1986-2: Designation of an Alternate Representative of the Member Institution (RMI) Voting Delegate [pdf]
- BOD P/P 1986-3: Awards Policy [pdf] (updated May 2022)
- BOD P/P 1986-4: Association Financial Policy & Investment Policy [pdf]
- BOD P/P 1986-5: Association Personnel Policies [pdf]
- BOD P/P 2000-1: Submitting a Recommendation for Consideration to the Board of Directors (Revised) [pdf]
- BOD P/P 2000-2: Non-Discrimination Policy [pdf] (updated May 2024)
- BOD P/P 2000-3: Template for Submission of Position Statements for Board of Directors Consideration [pdf]
- BOD P/P 2002-1: Volunteer Leadership Conflict of Interest Policy & Disclosure [pdf] (updated April 2022)
- BOD P/P 2003-1: Spokesperson and Stationery/Logo Use [pdf] (updated May 2022)
- BOD P/P 2004-1: Presidential Citation [pdf] (updated May 2024)
- BOD P_P_2006-1: Compensation to Members [pdf] (updated January 2023)
- BOD P_P_2006-2: Additional Members of the Program Planning Committee [pdf] (updated November 2022)
- BOD P_P_2006-7: Nominating Committee [pdf]
- BOD P_P_2007-1: Association Liaisons [pdf] (updated May 2022)
- BOD P_P_2007-2: Board Advisors or Board Advisory Committees [pdf]
- BOD P_P_2007-4: Task Forces [pdf] (updated October 2023)
- BOD P_P_2008-1: International Member Allocation to Regions and Affiliates [pdf]
- BOD P_P_2010-1: Eligibility of Annual Meeting Speakers to Receive Funding from ACHA [pdf]
- BOD P_P_2010-2: Student Membership [pdf] (updated May 2022)
- BOD P_P_2010-3: Resolutions [pdf]
- BOD P_P_2011-1: Guaranteed Committee/Coalition/Task Force Annual Meeting Program Submissions [pdf] (updated May 2024)
- BOD P_P_2011-2: Creation, Review and Retirement of Awards [pdf]
- BOD P_P_2011-3: Preventing Commercial Bias/Influence in ACHA Annual Meeting Program Content [pdf]
- BOD P_P_2012-1: Guidelines for Interactions with Companies [pdf] (updated September 2022)
- BOD P_P_2015-1: Mass Electronic Mail Communications to Members [pdf]
- BOD P_P_2016-1: Funding Support for Non-ACHA Hosted Conference and Meeting Attendance [pdf]
- BOD P_P_2020-1: Work Product Review and Update Policy [pdf] (updated May 2024)
- BOD P_P_2020-2: Author Attribution [pdf] (established February 2020)
- BOD P_P_2023-1: Record Retention Policy [pdf] (established July 2023)
- BOD_P_P_2023-2: Artificial Intelligence Policy (established October 2023)
- BOD_P_P_2014-1: Guidelines for Interactions with Industry for Non-Accredited Activity (established May 2024)