How You Can Use Your Survey Data
With the NCHA, you can determine the most significant health priorities and trends of your student body.
With your survey data, you can:
- Identify the most common health and behavior risks affecting students’ academic performance.
- Design evidence-based health promotion programs with targeted educational and environmental initiatives.
- Benchmark against other schools in your region or matching your school’s profile.
- Track trends in student well-being with repeat survey administrations.
- Determine where to allocate monetary and staffing resources.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of campus wellness programs or health services.
- Create social norms marketing campaigns by comparing students’ actual behaviors to their perceptions about peer behavior.
- Allocate monetary and staffing resources based upon defined needs.
- Provide needs assessment data for campus task forces on issues like sexual assault, alcohol use, and mental health.
- Have readily available graphs and data for policy discussions and presentations with faculty, staff, administration, and board members.
- Impact the campus culture by opening a dialogue about health with students and staff.
- Develop proposals to secure grant funding to expand or develop programs.
Additional Ways Your Campus Can Use NCHA Data
There are many additional ways the data can be of service to everyone your campus:
- For faculty to present in social sciences, health, communications, and research classes.
- For students to gain hands-on experience working with and analyzing data.
- For campus and local media to cite in articles and editorials.
- For administration to use in presentations for prospective students and parents and for freshmen orientation.
- For marketing professionals to draw on for promotional materials.
Your Data Reports Package
When you complete the survey process and administrative requirements, we will send you:
- Your institutional data file: a statistical program file with built-in codebook for your own analysis
- A comprehensive institutional report: frequency distribution for every survey question by gender and for all subjects
- Your institutional executive summary: highlights of your results
When the survey period has ended, we will send you the aggregate reference group report and reference group executive summary for your survey period so you can compare your data to the national sample.
The average turnaround time for the return of your institutional results is only six weeks or less once your survey has closed.