ACHA is the top national organization helping campuses promote and advocate for student well-being and healthy campus communities.

Membership in ACHA is based on the calendar year, January 1-December 31. If joining during July 1-September 30, dues are prorated for the remainder of the year. Starting October 1st, applications for the new year will be available online.

Institutional membership

Membership for Institutions

Institutional membership is open to any institution of higher education that offers a program of study applicable toward an associate, baccalaureate, or a higher degree, and which is fully accredited.

Dues for institutions range from $450 to $4,250 and are based on the institution's total health and well-being budget as defined by spending related to health services, counseling services, and/or health promotion services (includes any departmental expenditures, salaries, benefits, contracted services, staffing, equipment, supplies, overhead, etc.).

Please note that ACHA membership dues are non-refundable.

Learn more about the institutional member model (implemented in 2021)

Institutional Membership Application

Joining as a new member? Complete the Institutional Membership Application.

Renewing an Institutional Membership

Want to renew an institutional membership? Follow these instructions to renew online.

individual membership

Membership for Individuals

Individual memberships are open to anyone at an institution of higher education providing health services to students and/or on the staff at an institution of higher education.

Any individuals who are not at an institution of higher education (accredited college or university) must join as a company with a sustaining membership.

Please note that ACHA membership dues are non-refundable.

Apply for a Free Membership

If your school is a member, you can join for free!

Renew Your Membership

How to renew your membership if your institution is not a current member

Regular Individual Membership

For those at an institution of higher education who provide health services to students and/or are on the staff at an institution of higher education.


FREE if your institution is a current member. See instructions above.

$215 if your institution is not a member

To submit a check payment, please email to request a paper application.

Student Membership

For a full-time student enrolled in a degree-granting curriculum at an institution of higher education and otherwise not gainfully employed.

To be considered a full-time student, you must be enrolled in a graduate program taking a minimum of 9 semester hours or an undergraduate program taking a minimum of 12 semester hours. Proof of student status, either an unofficial transcript or enrollment verification of status documentation is required.


FREE if your institution is a current member. See instructions above.

$35 if your institution is not a member

To submit a check payment, please email to request a paper application.

Emeritus Membership

For an individual member in good standing at the time of retirement and who has held individual membership status for at least five years immediately preceding retirement. (Documentation of request required)



Please email to request Emeritus membership.

sustaining membership 

Membership for Companies & Other Organizations

Sustaining memberships are reserved for those companies who are not an institution of higher education and are interested in promoting services to members through advertisement and mail list opportunities. Sustaining members can also exhibit at annual and regional meetings and share their expertise through online groups and communities.

Each company membership comes with 1 free Individual Representative and unlimited individual members. View our current Sustaining Members.

Please note that ACHA membership dues are non-refundable.

For-Profit Sustaining Membership

For a for-profit association, organization, or business interested or involved in the college health field

Dues: $4,000

Non-Profit Sustaining Membership

For a nonprofit or charitable giving association or organization interested or involved in the college health field but not directly associated with a profit-making business

Dues: $500