The Call for Nominations is now OPEN!
Self-nominations are welcomed and encouraged as well. Please follow the submission guidance below. The deadline to submit a nomination is January 24, 2025.
Open Positions for Officers of the Board of Directors
Candidates must be current ACHA regular individual members for at least three years prior to the election.
This is a three-year commitment: one-year term as president-elect, followed by a one-year term as president, followed by a one-year term as immediate past president
This is a two-year term (2025-2027)
Criteria for Submitting a Nomination
For the aforementioned positions, all of the following supporting information must be submitted as part of a nomination package.
- nominee’s name, title, institution, and address
- complete biographical information about the candidate (CV)
- a minimum of two (2) additional letters of support
- synopsis of the nominee’s leadership role within the association
- special attributes and accomplishments of the nominee that qualify him/her for the position
Submitting the Online Nomination Form
Submit all supporting material and your nomination using this online form by January 24, 2025.
Duties of Officers of the Association
The duties of ACHA Officers of the Association include:
- representing members on a national level
- establishing ACHA policies and procedures
- determining the overall direction of activities of the association
- ensuring that ACHA continues to contribute to the betterment of college health
- ensuring that members have a voice in the association
For complete position descriptions, see Board of Directors Position Descriptions [pdf].