When you vote in the ACHA election, you are choosing leaders who will advocate for you and the health and wellness of campus communities.


The Call for Nominations for ACHA leadership positions is now open!

Self-nominations are welcomed and encouraged as well. Please follow the submission guidance below. The deadline to submit a nomination is January 24, 2025.


The ACHA Board of Directors and Section Leadership play a critical role in helping shape the future of the association and the field of college health and wellness. By voting, members can ensure that ACHA has leaders with the skills and abilities to fulfill our organizational goals and strategic priorities.

For more information, including who is eligible to vote, see the Election FAQs.

  • The Call for Nominations begins in the fall of each year and runs for six to nine weeks.
  • The Slate of Candidates is announced in January and posted here.
  • The election will be conducted online in March-April.



Nominations for 2025-2026 Leadership

We are now accepting nominations for 2025–2026 leadership positions, including officers of the association, regional representatives to the Board of Directors, and section officers.

You may find additional information on the open leadership positions for 2025-2026 and how to submit nominations via the links below:


Leadership Nominations and Elections FAQs


Call for Nominations

When does the Call for Nominations take place?
For national officers, regional representatives, and section officers, the Call for Nominations takes place in the fall and winter of each year.

How do I submit a nomination?
Complete instructions for submitting nominations are announced and posted on the ACHA elections webpage.


Selection of Candidates

How are the candidates determined?
The ACHA Nominating Committee will convene, deliberate, and select a slate of candidates for national officers and regional representatives from the submitted nominations. It will present that slate to the membership via the ACHA national election. ACHA sections will present a slate of candidates for leadership positions via the ACHA national election.


Slate of Candidates

When is the slate of candidates announced?
The full slate of candidates will be announced at least 30 days prior to the start of the election and posted to the website. Please watch your email inbox for this announcement.



How is the election conducted?
The election will be conducted online between March-April.

How do I place my vote?
The election will be conducted using the same secure Qualtrics platform that is used for many ACHA surveys. Members eligible to vote in the election will receive an email containing a unique link to their ballot. This link can be used only by the person to whom it was sent.

Complete information regarding the election, voting instructions, and candidate biographies will be posted on the ACHA elections webpage. You may alternatively request a mail-in ballot by contacting the national office at contact@acha.org or (410) 859-1500; however, ACHA encourages online voting.

When are the results of the election announced?
Election results are announced each spring via email and during the Opening General Session at the ACHA Annual Meeting.

When do elected leaders assume their positions?
The new national officers, regional representatives, and section officers assume their office at the end of the Assembly of Representatives, which typically takes place at the ACHA Annual Meeting.


Eligibility for Participation in the Election

Who is eligible to vote in the election?
Only current regular individual and student members may vote in the election. There will be a deadline in March by which dues must be paid to be eligible to vote.

Am I eligible to vote for any open position?
According to the ACHA Bylaws, regular individual members and student members are eligible to vote for officers of the association.

According to the ACHA Bylaws, regular individual members and student members are eligible to vote for the regional representative within their region.

According to the ACHA Bylaws, regular individual members are eligible to vote for officers in the primary section in which membership is held. (Note: The Students/Consumers section election will take place at a separate time and is not included in this nominations process.)

I am an Emeritus Member — am I still eligible to vote?
Emeritus members have privileges of the class of membership to which they belonged prior to becoming emeritus, and thus may vote accordingly.

Contact the ACHA National Office at membership@acha.org if you have further questions about the nomination and election of ACHA leadership.