This position statement serves as a guide for becoming a tobacco-free campus or maintaining tobacco-free living and learning environments.

ACHA acknowledges and supports the findings of the Surgeon General that tobacco use in any form, active and/or passive, is a significant health hazard. In light of these health risks, ACHA has adopted a NO TOBACCO USE policy and encourages colleges and universities to be diligent in their efforts to achieve a 100% indoor and outdoor campus-wide tobacco-free environment. This position statement reflects the viewpoint of ACHA and serves as a guide to assist colleges and universities with evaluating progress toward becoming or maintaining tobacco-free living and learning environments that support the achievement of personal and academic goals. This position statement also includes recommendations for addressing policy, prevention, and cessation as it pertains to tobacco issues. 

Contributor Info

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs Coalition

Guidelines & Recommendations, Policies & Procedures, Substance Use

Campus Executives, Health & Wellness Center Administrators, Health Promotion Specialists, Student Affairs

Resource Type
Guidelines & Recommendations

Publish Date
November 1, 2011