ACHA’s Emerging Public Health Threats and Emergency Response (EPHTER) Coalition and Vaccine-Preventable Disease (VPD) Committee have issued guidance on managing COVID-19 in the upcoming academic year (2024-25).

The EPHTER Coalition and VPD Committee support the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) efforts to unify respiratory virus guidance. Campuses should actively support measures to reduce the risk of respiratory diseases, including COVID-19, influenza, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) for all campus community members. Click here for detailed CDC guidance.


  • ACHA continues to support widespread seasonal vaccination and encourages campuses to host vaccine clinics and/or make immunizations readily available. COVID-19 vaccines are now included in ACIP’s adult immunization schedule and are listed in ACHA’s Immunization Recommendations for College Students.


  • ACHA recommends that campuses provide easy access to diagnostic testing for respiratory illnesses to facilitate early treatment when appropriate.


  • ACHA advises campuses to implement policies and systems that support hand hygiene, masking, and/or staying home when sick without fear of repercussions in order to minimize classroom and other campus life transmission.


  • ACHA supports campus initiatives aimed at improving student health literacy and combating mis- and disinformation.


ACHA’s CoVAC publications on Building Trust, Health and Media Literacy, and Storytelling for Health Communication remain relevant in campus efforts to manage respiratory virus outbreaks. Those can be found here.

Related Links

COVID-19, Guidelines & Recommendations, Infectious Diseases

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News & Announcements