These guidelines delineate critical factors that must be addressed by both the institution and outside contractors when considering full or partial outsourcing of a college health program.

Outsourcing has proven to be a very controversial topic, yet as colleges and universities face increasing regulatory, programmatic, and financial pressures, a growing number of institutions are looking at alternative approaches to providing a comprehensive college health program.

The purpose of these guidelines is not to encourage or discourage colleges and universities to outsource some or all aspects of their health services. Rather, the guidelines should provide a starting point for discussion that is both transparent and collaborative. They are designed to delineate critical factors that must be addressed by both the college/university and the outside contractor when considering full or partial outsourcing of a college health program. These guidelines should also help to establish an honest recognition of the goals and expectations of all parties involved, help them to pay careful attention to the regulatory environment, and address staff and institutional concerns.

Contributor Info

Prepared by the ACHA Outsourcing Task Force

College Health & Wellness Programming, Guidelines & Recommendations

Campus Executives, Health & Wellness Center Administrators

Resource Type
Guidelines & Recommendations

Publish Date
May 1, 2019