These principles assist ACHA members in making informed decisions when faced with ethical dilemmas and conflicts in daily practice.
In accordance with our core values, ACHA is committed to supporting health and well-being while affirming the value, worth, and dignity of each individual whom ACHA serves. These principles are designed to assist ACHA members in making informed decisions when faced with ethical dilemmas and are a resource when responding to dilemmas and conflicts in daily practice. The principles serve as a framework for dialogue about moral situations among all those involved in advancing the health and well-being of college students and the campus community. All members of ACHA are expected to adhere to the principles and standards of ethical conduct set forth in this General Statement.
Contributor Info
ACHA Ethics Committee
Guidelines & Recommendations
Campus Executives, Community Based Organizations, Faculty/Researchers, Health & Wellness Center Administrators, Health Care Providers, Health Promotion Specialists, Mental Health Providers, Student Affairs, Students/Patients/Families
Resource Type
Member Conduct
Publish Date
April 1, 2022