This statement discusses cultural competency of campus health professionals at the individual, institution, and association level.
Cultural competency refers to the capacity for an individual, an organization, or an institution to respond to the unique needs of populations whose cultures are different from that which might be referred to as “dominant.” It involves a long-term, developmental process that moves beyond “cultural awareness” and “cultural sensitivity.” This statement discusses opportunities for continued development to steadily improve the cultural competency of campus health professionals. Through these efforts, it is possible to enhance our services, foster our own personal and professional development, and advance the health and learning of all students.
Contributor Info
Originally prepared by the ACHA Board of Directors, July 2000
Revised by the Cultural Competency Statement Revision Task Force, February 2011
DEIJA, Guidelines & Recommendations
Campus Executives, Community Based Organizations, Faculty/Researchers, Health & Wellness Center Administrators, Health Care Providers, Health Promotion Specialists, Mental Health Providers, Student Affairs, Students/Patients/Families
Resource Type
Guidelines & Recommendations
Publish Date
February 1, 2011