Joleen’s passion for the field and ACHA are evident through her contributions to ACHA. She has served on the ACHA Board of Directors as the Region V representative and has held several roles within the New England College Health Association, including president. Her leadership roles within the ACHA Health Promotion Section include program planner, member-at-large, and co-editing guidelines for the section. As chair of the ACHA Ethics Committee, she led the team to create the inaugural Membership Conduct Agreement for the association. She also served on the ACHA Racial Marginalization and Health Inequities Task Force.
Joleen is deeply committed to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion. She has facilitated sessions and presentations both at conferences and at her institution by deconstructing racism for white and white-passing people. Joleen has been a mentor, both formally and informally, to many students as well as staff.
In addition to ACHA, she is a leader at NASPA for Peer Education Advisors and AASECT for supervision review. She has provided hundreds of presentations to professional organizations. Joleen has been recognized with numerous awards from her students, UConn, NASPA, and ACHA.
University of Connecticut
Institution Position
Director for Regional Wellness