Data Solutions & Assessments
ACHA’s health and well-being assessments help campuses make data-driven decisions and enrich their health and wellness programs.

National College Health Assessment
Get a comprehensive picture of your students' health-related behaviors, habits, and experiences.

ACHA Data Hub
ACHA's Data Hub enables data-driven decision-making that results in the improved health of college students nationwide.

Well-Being Assessment
The ACHA Well-Being Assessment aids university offices and staff in crafting focused, impactful, and evidence-based initiatives to bolster student well-being.

To promote student success, you need a comprehensive picture of your students’ overall health and wellness.
Join the 1,000+ campuses using the NCHA to assess a wide range of health and wellness issues that impact student well-being.
Programs & Services
ACHA’s programs and services provide the support your health center needs to help your students thrive.

College Health & Wellness Consulting
Get expert advice for growing and improving your campus health or wellness services.

Patient Satisfaction Assessment Service
Benchmark the quality and performance of your campus health services.
Resource Center
ACHA offers essential resources that cover a variety of college health topics and help advance health and well-being on your campus.
Latest News & Announcements
Visit our News Center for the latest association news, announcements, and advocacy updates.
Journal of American College Health
The Journal of American College Health is the only scholarly publication devoted entirely to college students’ health and wellness.

Buyer's Guide
Learn more about ACHA’s Sustaining Members and discover the industry products and services that support the field of college health and wellness.