These standards serve as a framework for the practice of health promotion in higher education to support student success and well-being. 

The Standards of Practice for Health Promotion in Higher Education (Standards of Practice) serve as a guiding document for professionals who conduct, support, supervise, or have oversight over departments facilitating health promotion processes on their respective campuses. Entry and mid-level health promotion professionals can use the Standards of Practice to assess and stimulate development of their own health promotion competencies; senior administrators can assess the rigor of their services; and supervisors of health promotion departments can communicate the purpose and function of health promotion to students, faculty, staff, and other campus constituencies. The purpose of this document is to serve as a framework for the practice of health promotion in higher education to support student success and well-being. 

Contributor Info

Revised by the ACHA Health Promotion Section’s Committee to Advance Health Promotion Resources

Guidelines & Recommendations, Health Education & Promotion

Health & Wellness Center Administrators, Health Promotion Specialists

Resource Type
Guidelines & Recommendations

Publish Date
October 1, 2019