ACHA partnered with NORC at the University of Chicago and the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA) on the Campus Sexual Assault Responses Survey (CSAR) project to examine campus sexual assault prevention and responses to identify strong response models.
One of the major findings from the study was that staff turnover greatly interferes with effective, trauma-informed sexual assault response and prevention efforts. The checklist “Action Items to Improve Campus Sexual Assault Prevention and Response” is a great primer for new staff or any program looking to improve their CSAR efforts.
About the CSAR Project
The purpose of the project was to support the development of policies, protocols, trainings, and interventions to strengthen trauma-informed responses to sexual assault by campus public safety agencies in partnership with campus health and wellness centers, as well as with local partners, i.e., law enforcement agencies and health and victim service providers.
ACHA, NORC, and IACLEA deployed a nationwide survey to colleges and universities to capture the response models, policies, and practices of campus administrators, health and wellness professionals, and campus/public safety. The survey reached 2-year and 4-year, urban and rural, public and private schools, including minority-serving institutions. NORC also conducted a series of key informant interviews with a variety of staff from with a diverse sample of institutions to better understand on-the-ground implementation lessons learned to support collaboration, communication, and trauma-informed responses.
Learn more about the survey findings and how they can provide real-world solutions to improve campus safety profiles, enhance employee knowledge and skills, and advance campus sexual assault prevention and response efforts.
For more information
If you are interested in accessing the study data or want to learn more about the study methodology or its participants, contact ACHA’s Director of Strategic Partnerships.
Contributor Info
American College Health Association in collaboration with NORC at the University of Chicago and the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA)
Administration & Operations, Campus Safety & Violence, Sexual Violence
Health & Wellness Center Administrators, Student Affairs
Resource Type
Guidelines & Recommendations
Publish Date
December 11, 2023