This ACHA white paper explores the data on gun violence and strategies to ensure that our campuses remain safe learning environments.

The continued increase of gun violence in the U.S. is a public-health crisis impacting numerous communities, including colleges and universities nationwide. ACHA views this phenomenon as a health crisis with the potential to seriously impact students’ mental health, well-being, and sense of safety; however, there remains a lack of consensus on gun violence prevention. 

As ACHA considers this contentious issue, it also seeks to determine the best measures to ensure that our campuses remain safe learning environments. This paper explores the data—past and present—on gun violence, promising practices, strategies for higher education institutions to consider and implement now, and potential directions to enhance understanding and advocacy.

Contributor Info

ACHA Gun Safety Task Force

Advocacy & Legislation, Campus Safety & Violence, Guidelines & Recommendations, Public Health, Research & Survey Data

Campus Executives, Faculty/Researchers, Health & Wellness Center Administrators, Mental Health Providers, Student Affairs

Resource Type
White Paper

Publish Date
August 1, 2023