Wellness Coaching @ Columbia Health is a multi-tiered initiative that can be mapped onto the Socio-Ecological Model (SEM) providing options for engagement at the individual, relational, community, and societal levels. At the individual level, program participants can utilize one-to-one coaching to improve their overall health and wellness by positively impacting their knowledge, attitudes, skills, and behaviors. At the relational level, program participants can receive peer health and wellness coaching from a Well-being Advocate who shares common identities, social networks, and lived experiences. At the community level, Wellness Coaching offers group wellness coaching as a way for students to be in community with a group of their peers across the university context and environment. Lastly, at the societal level, Wellness Coaching works with university staff and faculty to offer training on how to be more coach-like to provide nonjudgmental support, change cultural norms, and alter policies that center student well-being. Wellness Coaching’s multi-tiered approach enacts Columbia Health’s vision of delivering integrated, accessible, quality services and community programs to cultivate the best possible and enduring outcomes while living, working, and learning.
Columbia University