ACHA proudly announces the launch of the Well-Being Assessment (formerly the Wake Forest Wellbeing Assessment), aimed at transforming the landscape of student health and well-being on college campuses nationwide.

The ACHA Well-Being Assessment represents a collaborative effort among a team of substantive and academic experts in well-being and student affairs and is designed to provide comprehensive insights into the holistic well-being of college students. This innovative tool goes beyond traditional health assessments by encompassing dimensions such as mood, social connectedness, sense of belonging, and emotional resilience.

By collecting data on a broad range of well-being indicators, ACHA aims to empower colleges and universities with actionable insights for evidence-based decision-making and program development.

Key features of the ACHA Well-Being Assessment include:

  • Comprehensive evaluation: Covers 14 dimensions of student well-being, including purpose, self-esteem, life satisfaction, and sense of optimism.
  • Customizable reporting: Provides institutions with comprehensive reports that include a score for each dimension and benchmarks to support targeted interventions and strategic planning.
  • Campus trend monitoring: Enables analysis to monitor trends and assess the impact of interventions over time.
  • Privacy and confidentiality: Ensures the confidentiality of participants and adherence to ethical standards in data collection and analysis.


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Research & Survey Data, Well-being

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News & Announcements