Each year, ACHA honors exemplary members nominated by their peers for exceptional service and commitment to the association and to the field of college health and wellness. This year’s Fellows and Award Recipients were honored at the ACHA 2024 Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, during a special ceremony held on May 29, 2024. Also honored at the ceremony were the recipients of several ACHF awards.

The award ceremony was not just a celebration of individual accomplishments by our members but a testament to the spirit of dedication and progress that defines our community. As we look to the future, we remain committed to fostering an environment where innovation thrives, partnerships flourish, and together, we make a lasting impact.

Learn more about this year’s Fellows and ACHA/ACHF Award Recipients and their work.

Meet the 2024 Awards Recipients and Fellows.

If you’d like to honor an ACHA member with an award or Fellow distinction next year, stay tuned for the call for awards and fellows nominations, which will open this fall!

Group of people posing with an award winner holding a certificate Professional person holding an award certificate Professional person holding an award certificate Two professional people holding an award certificate and shaking hands  Two people with a service dog holding an award certificate A large group of professional people posing at an awards ceremonyA professional person giving a video address at an awards ceremony Two professional people posing with an award certificate Two professional people posing with an award certificate Two professional people posing with an award certificate Two professional people posing with an award certificate Smiling professionals posing as a group Two professional people posing with an award certificate Two professional people posing with an award certificate Two professional people posing with an award certificate Two professional people shaking hands Two professional people shaking hands Two professional people shaking hands

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News & Announcements