A network within ACHA for members with a professional interest in nursing in a campus setting.


Welcome to the ACHA Nursing Section. The Nursing Section is for members with a focus on or interest in nursing in higher education. This section addresses the specific knowledge and skill enhancement needs of nursing professionals and promotes the dissemination of current information relevant to the field of nursing.

The Nursing Section serves as a forum for the interchange of ideas and experiences of section members while assisting members in developing collegial relationships with others in their discipline. In addition, the section may develop and promote standards or guidelines for the field of nursing.

As an ACHA member, you can join as many sections as you are interested in. To join a section, please login to your member account and edit your member profile. Once you’ve joined a section, you’ll automatically be added to its community in ACHA Connect, where you can better collaborate and communicate with other members in the section.


Nursing Section Needs Assessment: Section members’ responses on these surveys help section leaders determine topics of interest to members. Survey results are used by the Program Planning Committee for the ACHA Annual Meeting. See recent results: Nursing Section 2022 Needs Assessment Results [pdf]


Section Articles of Operation [pdf]


Section Leaders

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