Board of Directors

ACHA is governed by a Board of Directors, which consists of 18 members and, as the chief operating body of the association, develops procedures to implement the policies of the association as established by the Assembly of Representatives, and provides general direction for the association’s activities. The board is comprised of the Executive Committee, four members-at-large, six regional representatives, and two student representatives. Members of the Board (except the Executive Director) are elected by ACHA members.


Meet the Board of Directors


To see the affiliate, section, and coalitions to which you belong, login and visit My Account.



ACHA is divided into 11 regional affiliate organizations. Each affiliate organization is governed by its own elected affiliate officers, who provide guidance and leadership to members and help forge strong partnerships with colleagues on the state or regional level. ACHA members receive concurrent membership in the affiliate organization at no additional cost.

Learn About ACHA Affiliates



Members may choose to join and participate in one or more of the association’s sections, which reflect the professional diversity of the individual members of ACHA. The sections play a pivotal role in the program planning of ACHA’s annual meeting, held each spring. The section leaders of ACHA are elected to represent the individual members participating in the sections.

Learn About ACHA Sections



ACHA coalitions address a diverse range of issues pertinent to ACHA and to the health and wellness of college students.

Learn About ACHA Coalitions


Committees & Task Forces

These groups are vital instruments for the association’s mission, work, and governance, and they provide insight and guidance to the ACHA membership.

Learn About ACHA Committees & Task Forces