Student Travel Funding Opportunity
The Call for Applications for the 2025 awards cycle is open!
Deadline to submit an application: February 3, 2025
Questions? Email us.
About the Award
The American College Health Foundation, through the Murray DeArmond Student Activity Fund, will offer funding to partially offset hotel and travel expenses for one or more students to attend the ACHA Annual Meeting. Funding decisions will be made by the ACHF Board of Directors in conjunction with the ACHA Student/Consumers Section.
Funding will be open to student applicants from ACHA Member Institutions who have demonstrated a significant career interest in college health and who have made a positive difference on their campus by serving as a peer health educator or in a leadership position on a student health advisory board, or who have (or will have) a leadership role in the ACHA Student/Consumers Section. Preference will be given to applicants who demonstrate the highest level of commitment and benefit to the field and/or continuity in effective student consumer leadership. Applicants will be encouraged to apply for ACHF Student Scholarships to cover meeting registration costs. Applicants will also be responsible for any remaining travel expenses not covered by the ACHF funding opportunity and will be required to submit proof of the availability of these funds.
Post-meeting requirements for award recipients will include the following:
- Make a brief presentation to the ACHF Board during their annual business meeting at the ACHA Annual Meeting attended by the student winner.
- Provide a written evaluation of the winner’s annual meeting experience that could be published in Action, on the ACHF webpage or in other publications.
- Become involved in a health center project on their campus following the meeting.
Funding Proposal Materials
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- Download Funding Application Information in PDF format [pdf]
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